How have three generation of river engineering scientists looked at Japanese rivers? (Shinohara, 2018)

Masayoshi Satoh


篠原 修 著. 2018. 河川工学者三代は川をどう見てきたのか 安藝皎一、高橋裕、大熊孝と近代河川行政一五〇年. 農文協、東京、447ページ、ISBN: 978-4-540-18140-5、ペーパーバック、\3,500



<See English version here>









Osamu Shinohara. 2018. How have three generation of river engineering scientists looked at Japanese rivers? Koichi Aki, Yutaka Takahashi and Takashi Okuma vs. A hundred and fifty years of modern national river policies. Nobunkyo, Tokyo, 447 pp., ISBN: 978-4-540-18140-5, Paperback: Yen3,500.


Masayoshi Satoh

Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba;

To cite this Review: Satoh, M. 2020. Review of "How have three generation of river engineering scientists looked at Japanese rivers? Koichi Aki, Yutaka Takahashi and Takashi Okuma vs. A hundred and fifty years of modern national river policies". Nobunkyo, 2018, by Shinohara, O., Water Alternatives,


This book is a critical biography of three Japanese river engineering scientists, Professors Koichi Aki, Yutaka Takahashi and Takashi Okuma of three different generations, who were critically involved in the river management policies of the Japanese government over the last 90 years. All of them were graduates from the civil engineering department of Tokyo University, which is one of the universities with most influence on the government. Profs Aki and Takahashi and Prof. Okuma taught at Tokyo University and at Niigata University, respectively. The author of this book, Prof. Shinohara, also was a professor at Tokyo University and is one of the most prominent and leading researchers in the field of landscape engineering in Japan.

Since the beginning of the 17th Century, irrigation schemes for paddy production were extensively developed on most of Japan's alluvial plains under the feudal government of Tokugawa Shogunate. Therefore, river training became very important in securing the water resource for irrigation and in protecting farm land and cities from flash floods, as well as in ensuring navigation on the rivers. Indigenous engineering methods for these civil works were developed and widely used for more than 250 years. They were, however, replaced by modern western methods introduced mainly by Dutch engineers after the Meiji Restoration in 1867.

Especially after the promulgation of the River Act in 1896 the government tried to control floods through the construction of river banks to confine flood water inside rivers. However, this resulted in increasing flood discharge downstream and required an increased design discharge for training of the river. The three professors, from a holistic point of view, sounded the alarm and warned against controlling floods simply by construction of high continuous dikes, thus confronting the government policy and the technocracy.

Prof. Okuma, on whom the author mainly focuses in the book, defined river as a course that sustains the circulation of all materials, including water, soils and gravels, organic matter and living beings between lands and the Sea. He claimed that we should avoid the construction of hydraulic works as much as possible, not to get in the way of material circulation. He also campaigned against construction of flood control dams because they, being constructed only on the upstream river reaches in Japan, are not so effective or not constantly effective in reducing the flood peaks of flash floods. He issued the idea of a social system that would accept flooding in the basins in a controlled manner in case of extreme floods. For this idea he gained attention as a dam construction opponent.  

The River Act, which was overhauled in 1964, underwent an historical change in 1997 when river training included environmental conservation as one of its purposes and the citizens could formally participate in river planning. Although the technocratic nature of government policies has not been remarkably changed, the author takes note that holistic ways of flood management have been introduced in some regions.

The author also distributed several chapters chronologically describing flood management policies, major flood damages and judicial cases, anti-dam movements and so on. This book is the first non-technical work that has comprehensively collected historical incidents in river management. It is thus a highly valuable record of the history of Japanese river management as well as a biography of the three professors.

We can say that, traditionally, the information and knowledge on river training have been monopolized by government engineers in Japan and not openly published or discussed; therefore even individual engineers who work on river training had few opportunities to have access to such a collection of historical information. Under the peculiar social conditions of Japan, the author was able to collect a lot of scattered information from which he was able to objectively build his critique, maybe because of his being a researcher close to, but outside of, the river engineering field.

This book can be highly useful even for the engineers in objectifying their works. On the other hand, citizens need to enhance their knowledge and understanding of river training to make their participation in river planning, as institutionalized in the River Act in 1997, more effective. Therefore, this book may contribute to strengthening discussions among stakeholders of river training, as well as the participation of all citizens.


Additional Info

  • Authors: Osamu Shinohara
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Publisher: Nobunkyo
  • Reviewer: Masayoshi Satoh
  • Subject: Water policy, Water management, Irrigation, Hydrocracies, Dams, Flood, Water history
  • Type: Review
  • Language: Japanese