Water Alternatives Book Review Section reviews recently published non-technical books on water. This new Water Alternatives “stream” replaces the former book review section, improving on it in several ways: it allows more books to be promoted and reviewed; the process is faster and more direct; it expands the readership of important local or regional books to a wider audience than they would otherwise reach. This new section offers three original features:



1. Each book may come with either:

* an Introduction: a short description (~10+ lines) of the contents and why we think this books deserves a mention [strong points; weak points; why one should (or perhaps/or possibly not) read this book].

* a conventional Review of around 500-1200 words.

2. Readers’ reaction: Under each book profile on our website there is a moderated space for visitors to comment, or to add their own introduction/review of the book.

3. Any language is welcome: Comments and reactions to a book may be in any language, though the language of the comments must correspond to the language of the book reviewed.

Anyone can propose a book for review, or contribute a book profile in the form of either an Introduction or a Review. We do not aim to be exhaustive and will prioritise books within our editorial scope that we feel the Water Alternatives readership will find original and interesting.

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