The Water Dissensus – A Water Alternatives Forum

"How could anything non-controversial be of intellectual interest to grown-ups?" (Edward Abbey) This Forum is intended to provide space for critical debates and discussions about water issues. Existing dissensus, or antagonistic values and points of view, can be turned into a learning opportunity for the benefit of all and give way to reasoned debates that have the potential both to further understanding of complex water issues and to generate new ideas.

Chris Seijger is assistant professor Agricultural Water Management at Wageningen University. He wants to find out to what extent agricultural water management can be changed to facilitate new priorities in society such as food security or environmental conservation. He analyses these biophysical-social change processes as “reorientations”, where changes can occur in plans, policies, farmer livelihoods, land and water resources. He studies reorientations in international regions that are affected by climate change and environmental degradation. More info including a database of reorientations can be found on

More food, but less land and water for nature: unforeseen and substantial global increase in land and water usage



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