The Water Dissensus – A Water Alternatives Forum

"How could anything non-controversial be of intellectual interest to grown-ups?" (Edward Abbey) This Forum is intended to provide space for critical debates and discussions about water issues. Existing dissensus, or antagonistic values and points of view, can be turned into a learning opportunity for the benefit of all and give way to reasoned debates that have the potential both to further understanding of complex water issues and to generate new ideas.

Doug holds a PhD in Anthropology. He has over 40 years of experience in applied research, consulting, program design and evaluation and other services related to natural resources management, and especially water management. He has lived in India (2 years), Pakistan (4 years), Sri Lanka (17 years), Indonesia (9 months), Egypt (9 months), and South Africa (10 years); and made shorter working visits to many other Asian and African countries. His career began with 18 months of field research on irrigation management in a small village in Pakistan. He subsequently worked for over 20 years at the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), where he held several senior positions including Deputy Director General of Programs and the founding Director for Africa. Since 2008, he has worked as an independent consultant for many international institutions and consulting firms. He has numerous publications, many reflecting his substantial interdisciplinary experience. He is a Global Fellow at the Robert B Daugherty Water for Food Institute at the University of Nebraska and is the Associate Editor for the “Dissensus Form” of the free online journal Water Alternatives. Doug now lives in Gainesville, Florida, USA.


Large scale irrigation investments in sub-Saharan Africa: Is big beautiful?



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