Articles and viewpoints should be written in British English. Authors for whom English is a second language may choose to have their manuscripts professionally edited before submission, as papers with poor readability will not be accepted. Articles should be between 6,000 and 10,000 words in length (excluding references and abstract).
Readers can respond to articles and other contributions in the journal through the Response option. Responses should be in the range of 1000 to 2000 words; longer responses should be submitted as articles.
For Book Reviews please refer to our dedicated webpage.
document Click here to download the instructions to authors (218 KB)
There is no submission fee. To reduce the cost of formatting and copy-editing, it is very important that authors carefully read and follow the guidelines; manuscripts with inconsistent use of standards will be returned to the authors. This MSWord template contains all the standard Water Alternatives formats and styles. In particular cases where contributors use a different word processor, the template file should be imported and the final text saved in RTF format.
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