February 2013


Cooperation, domination and colonisation: The Israeli-Palestinian Joint Water Committee
Jan Selby

Water Alternatives 6(1): 1-24                Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

The power to resist : Irrigation management transfer in Indonesia
Diana Suhardiman

Water Alternatives 6(1): 25-41             Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

Evaluating knowledge production in collaborative water governance
Brent Taylor, Rob de Loë and Henning Bjornlund

Water Alternatives 6(1): 42-66              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

Remaking waste as water: The governance of recycled effluent for potable water supply
Katharine Meehan, Kerri Jean Ormerod and Sarah A. Moore

Water Alternatives 6(1): 67-85              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

Hydro-hegemony in the upper Jordan waterscape: Control and use of the flows
Mark Zeitoun, Karim Eid-Sabbagh, Michael Talhami and Muna Dajani

Water Alternatives 6(1): 86-106             Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

Maintaining a river’s healthy life? An inquiry on water ethics and water praxis in the upstream region of China’s Yellow River
Lilin Kerschbaumer and Konrad Ott

Water Alternatives 6(1): 107-124            Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

Smallholder irrigators, water rights and investments in agriculture: Three cases from rural Mozambique
Gert Jan Veldwisch, Wouter Beekman and Alex Bolding

Water Alternatives 6(1): 125-141            Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

Book Reviews

Development through bricolage: Rethinking institutions for natural resources management (Cleaver, F. 2012).
Douglas J. Merrey
Water Alternatives 6(1): 142-144             Full Text - PDF

Turkey's water policy (Kibaroglu, A.; Scheumann, W.; Kramer, A. (Eds.), 2011).
Ariel Dinar
Water Alternatives 6(1): 145-147             Full Text - PDF

June 2013

With the financial support of GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit)

Special issue:
Voices of Water Professionals: Shedding Light on Hidden Dynamics in the Water Sector
Guest editors: Gil Levine, Miguel Solanes, Mercy Dikito-Wachtmeister

Voices of water professionals: Shedding light on hidden dynamics in the water sector – An introduction
Gil Levine, Miguel Solanes and Mercy Dikito-Wachtmeister

Water Alternatives 6(2): 148-153              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

Ignorance, error and myth in South Asian irrigation: Critical reflections on experience
Robert Chambers

Water Alternatives 6(2): 154-167              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

The story of a troubled relationship
Ramaswamy R. Iyer

Water Alternatives 6(2): 168-176              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

Reflecting on the chasm between water punditry and water politics
Dipak Gyawali

Water Alternatives 6(2): 177-194              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

Fifty years of hydroelectric development in Chile: A history of unlearned lessons
Michael Nelson

Water Alternatives 6(2): 195-206              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

The Washington Consensus, Chilean water monopolization and the Peruvian draft water law of the 1990s
Miguel Solanes

Water Alternatives 6(2): 207-217              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

Happy like a clam in French water
Pierre-Frédéric Ténière-Buchot

Water Alternatives 6(2): 218-238              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

Why has the South African National Water Act been so poorly implemented?
Barbara Schreiner

Water Alternatives 6(2): 239-245              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

Responding to context: Some lessons from experience in the water sector
Jeremy Berkoff

Water Alternatives 6(2): 246-258              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

The search for understanding irrigation - Fifty years of learning
Gilbert Levine

Water Alternatives 6(2): 259-264              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

Rent-seeking in agricultural water management: An intentionally neglected core dimension?
Walter Huppert

Water Alternatives 6(2): 265-275              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

Swimming against the current: Questioning development policy and practice
Kurt Mørck Jensen

Water Alternatives 6(2): 276-283              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

Development or disbursement – Vested interests and the gulf between theory and practice
Phil Riddell

Water Alternatives 6(2): 284-292              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF


Tapping fresh currents: Fostering early-career researchers in transdisciplinary water governance research
James J. Patterson, Anna Lukasiewicz, Philip J. Wallis, Naomi Rubenstein, Brian Coffey, Elizabeth Gachenga and A. Jasmyn J. Lynch

Water Alternatives 6(2): 293-312              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF


Decision-making on Amazon dams: Politics trumps uncertainty in the Madeira River sediments controversy
Philip Fearnside

Water Alternatives 6(2): 313-325              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

Book Reviews

Shared borders, shared waters: Israeli-Palestinian and Colorado River Basin water challenges (Megdal, S.B., Varady, R.G. and Eden, S. (Eds). 2013).
David B. Brooks
Water Alternatives 6(2): 326-328              Full Text - PDF

October 2013

With the financial support of the International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC)

Special issue: Trends and Developments in Rural Water Supply Services Delivery
Guest editors: Stef Smits, John Butterworth and Richard Franceys

Trends in rural water supply: Towards a service delivery approach
Patrick Moriarty, Stef Smits, John Butterworth and Richard Franceys

Water Alternatives 6(3): 329-349              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

How can INGOs help promote sustainable rural water services? An analysis of WaterAid’s approach to supporting local governments in Mali
Stephen Jones

Water Alternatives 6(3): 350-366              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

From adopt-a-project to permanent services: The evolution of Water For People’s approach to rural water supply in Bolivia
Kate Fogelberg

Water Alternatives 6(3): 367-383              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

The impact of support to community-based rural water service providers: Evidence from Colombia
Stef Smits, Johnny Rojas and Paola Tamayo

Water Alternatives 6(3): 384-404              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

Self-supply as a complementary water services delivery model in Ethiopia
John Butterworth, Sally Sutton and Lemessa Mekonta

Water Alternatives 6(3): 405-423              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

Assessing unsubsidized self-supply groundwater systems in eastern Madagascar
Michael F. MacCarthy, Jonathan E. Annis and James R. Mihelcic

Water Alternatives 6(3): 424-438              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

A qualitative analysis of policy support for sustainable rural water services
Anna Le Gouais and Elise Wach

Water Alternatives 6(3): 439-461              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF



Rethinking existing approaches to water security in remote communities: An analysis of two drinking water systems in Nunatsiavut, Labrador, Canada
Christina Goldhar, Trevor Bell and Johanna Wolf

Water Alternatives 6(3): 462-486              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

Perspectives of complexity in water governance: Local experiences of global trends
Michele-Lee Moore

Water Alternatives 6(3): 487-505              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF

The practices and politics of making policy: Irrigation management transfer in Mexico
Edwin Rap and Philippus Wester

Water Alternatives 6(3): 506-531              Abstract   |  Full Text - PDF